Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day is a harvest festival celebrated in Canada and United States of America. It is the day when people thank the almighty for a good harvest and for all the good things bestowed on them.

The first Thanksgiving was celebrated at the site of Plymouth Plantation, in 1621

Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States and second Monday of October in Canada. The Friday after Thursday is known as Black Friday, which is a holiday and it is the beginning of Christmas shopping season.

On this day family members gather together and an elaborate Thanksgiving dinner is arranged for the family. Thanksgiving feast comprises of baked or roasted Turkey, Pumpkin Pie, Mashed potatoes with gravy, Sweet Potatoes, Sweet Corn, Assorted vegetables etc., Vegetarians and Vegans prepare a dish called Tofurky, which is a dish prepared using Tofu.

Charity and distribution of food to the under privileged is part of the spirit of Thanksgiving.

People shop and plan for a vacation during Thanksgiving holidays. Many events like parades are organized as part of the celebrations.

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