Aeschynanathus Perrottetti – Lipstick Plant

As you traverse into the rain forests of Western Ghats, you will notice orchids, lichens, ferns, and moss attached to tree trunks and branches. In the midst of these green epiphytes I noticed red flowers in bloom on tree branches. Took pictures of these and identified them as Aeschynanathus Perrottetti also known as Lipstick plant.

Plant Summary:
Aeschynanthus Perrottetti and Aeschynanathus Radicans belongs to Gesneriaceae family and is an epiphyte that grows on branches in the rain forest. The lipstick plant is like any other epiphyte and takes nourishment from fallen leaves and twigs that accumulate in the crevices of branches. It is native to the Java and Malaysian peninsula.

The plant needs indirect light. It grows to a height of 1.5 m tall. The leaves are Green, leathery and are 4-8 cm long. The flowers bloom during May-August and the flowers are long and tubular and grow in clusters around 5-7.5 cm long.

Aeschynanthus Perrottetti /Radicans plant can be propagated by cuttings. The plant is good as an interior plant and perfectly suited to be planted in hanging baskets.

Do not plant under direct sunlight. Prune the plant every 3 months. Fertilize once in 15 days and water once daily.

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