

Celosia is a favorite garden ornamental plant that belongs to Amaranthaceae family. It is also known as Cockscomb, Wool Flower, and Velvet Flower. In Hindi it is known as Lal Murga. Botanical name is Celosia cristata and Celosia argentea.

Cristata species will have flowers in the shape of convoluted brains whereas; Argentea flowers will be in bright colored plumes. There are about 60 species of Celosia.

Celosia is an annual erect, branching plants. The leaves are oval or lance-shaped, veined, red or green and they are also edible along with the stems. The leaves and stems are used to prepare dishes in South East Asia and India.

Hundreds of tiny flowers are crowded in solid, brightly colored flower heads, which are at the tip of the plant. Flowers bloom in Red, Yellow, Pink, Orange, Off-White, White, and Gold.

Numerous seeds are produced at the end of life of the flower. The seeds are also edible.


Celosia can be easily propagated by seeds. Plant seedlings eight inch apart in full sun and well-drained soil.

Fertilize every four weeks. Pinch back the first bloom for more abundant display of flowers.

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