May Flower – Blood Lily – Football Lily

May Flower

Another common name of Blood Lily is Powderpuff Lily. The botanical name is Scadoxus multiflorus and belongs to Amaryllidaceae (Nargis) family. This Lily is native of Africa.

In the month of May, the blistering heat melts the leaves of the Blood Lily and out comes the beautiful big flower as a treat.

Blood Lily is a bulbous plant. The leaves are big and single arrangement spherically on the short stalks. During the flowering season, the leaves disappear and the bulb bears a single bud, which bloom into a stunning red flowerhead. The flowerhead can be 8 to 12 cm across.

The bloom is spherical and contains more than 100 flowers. The plant blooms once a year.

Propagation is through bulbs. This plant grows well in direct light. Grows well in tropical regions.

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