Garden Fresh Toast

Tasty and nutritious toast to break the fast.

Time Required: 20 Minutes
Serves: 4

8 Plain Bread slices
1/2 Yellow Pepper/Capsicum, Chopped finely
1/2 Red Pepper/Capsicum, Chopped finely
1 Tomato, Chopped finely
1 Onion, Chopped finely
Chili Flakes
Mozrella Cheese, Grated

Arrange pieces of vegetable over each slice of bread, sprinkle some Chili Flakes and lots of Cheese over it and bake until the Cheese melts. Serve Garden Fresh Toast with Tomato Ketchup.

Note: Olives, Gherkins, Sweet Corn, Jalepenos and Baby Corn can be added.

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