

The birth place of Cauvery / Kaveri River is Talacauvery. It is nestled in the hills of Brahmagiri range near…

Raja Seat – Coorg

Raja Seat means King’s Seat. It is view point in Coorg, which used to be a favorite place for the…

Madikeri Fort – Coorg

Madikeri or Mercara is the headquarters of Coorg or Kodagu District. It was founded by Prince Mudduraja of Haleri Dynasty…

Omkareshwar Temple – Madikeri

In Madikeri / Coorg there is an ancient Omkareshwar temple dedicated to Lord Omkareshwara / Shiva which was built by…


South Indian heroine Suhasini wearing  coorgi style saree and crooning the song “Madikeri sepoyi…” (Madikeri soldier) on mist covered hills…