Traditional Mysore Dishes Platter

Mysore dishes platter

Mysore is home to many traditional dishes.  When we went on a picnic to Karanji Lake in Mysore, one of my friend packed the following Mysore dishes:  Bisibelehuli anna popularly known as Bisibelebhath, Nuchchina Unde (steamed lentil balls), and Hyagreeva (Lentil sweet dish).  We relished it all sitting on the lawns and reliving our college days. 

These traditional dishes are prepared during Dasara.  On Dasara Navami all the weapons in the Mysore Palace were worshiped.  In the households all the vehicles and things are cleaned and worshiped.  Workshops, corporate establishments, shops continue the tradition of performing a pooja (ritual) and distributing sweets.


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