Black Swan

The epitome of serenity lies in the midst of green woods with a gentle stream cutting across it and graceful swans in black and white floating along dipping their necks in the water or gently pecking each other.  It is a ballet on water for survival and companionship.

Black Swans are very exotic and my first encounter with them was in the Mysore Zoo.  I have heard that they are very delicate birds and thrive in clean environments.

It is no wonder then that the Black Swan inspired Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky to write the most popular ballet of all times – Swan Lake.

The most populous city of Australia “Perth” is situated on the Swan lake named after the native Black Swans.  These black beauties were first spotted  in Perth in 1697 by Willem de Vlamingh, captain of a Dutch expedition.

Wetlands around Perth is extremely suitable for the Black Swans to breed.  To spot large populations of Black Swan head to Perth and you will be rewarded with the finest spectacle on this earth.  There are a number of flights to Perth to take you comfortably to the home of Black Swans.

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