Household hints

March 2019 Hints

Here are a few tips to keep your house, gadgets, and furniture in order.

February 2019 Hints

Here are a few tips to keep your house, gadgets, and furniture in order.

January 2019 Hints

Here are a few tips to keep your house, gadgets, and furniture in order.

December 2018 Hints

Here are a few tips to keep your house, gadgets, and furniture in order.

November 2018 Hints

Here are a few tips to keep your house, gadgets, and furniture in order.

October 2018 Hints

Here are a few tips to keep your house, gadgets, and furniture in order.

September 2018 Hints

Here are a few tips to keep your house, gadgets, and furniture in order.

August 2018 Hints

August 2018 Hints are as follows: Clean headlights of cars with tooth paste. To remove strong odors from hands wash…

July 2018 Hints

Here are a few tips to keep your house, gadgets, and furniture in order.

June 2018 Hints

Here are a few tips to keep your house, gadgets, and furniture in order.

May 2018 Hints

Here are a few tips to keep your house, gadgets, and furniture in order.

April 2018 Hints

Here are a few tips to keep your house, gadgets, and furniture in order.

March 2018 Hints

March 2018 hints are as follows: Use Banana peel as rose fertilizer. Banana peel in pots will keep away aphids.…

September 2017 Hints

Here are a few tips to keep your house, gadgets, and furniture in order.

August 2017 Hints

Here are a few tips to keep your house, gadgets, and furniture in order.

July 2017 Hints

Here are a few tips to keep your house, gadgets, and furniture in order.

June 2017 Hints

Here are a few tips to keep your house, gadgets, and furniture in order.

May 2017 Hints

May 2017 hints are as follows: To remove ink stains on cotton, apply rubbing alcohol to the spot, then wash.…

April 2017 Hints

April 2017 Hints to help you around the house and the kitchen.

March 2017 Hints

March 2017 hints