Abutilon Indicum

Plant Summary
This is a weed widely used as a medicinal plant in Ayurveda to treat many diseases. The common names of Abutilon Indicum are Indian mallow, Atibala (Sanskrit), Dong kui zi, Mi lan cao (China), Guimauve (Guadaloupe) and belongs to family Malvaceae.

I found this plant while trekking up to Iruppu falls. The plant grows to a height of 1 to 2 meters. The leaves are oblong, ipposite, toothed, smooth and covered with fine hair. The flowers are a beautiful golden yellow, 2.5 cms in diameter.

Medicinal Use
The root is used to derive an oil, which is used to cure various ailments in Ayurveda.  The plant is used as a laxative, astringent, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and expectorant. It is also used to reduce fever; sugar levels, bleeding etc., All parts of the plant is used to prepare powders, decoctions etc.,

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